Value | Meaning |
TJPF_RGB0 | RGB pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 3-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel. |
TJPF_BGR | BGR pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 3-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel. |
TJPF_RGBX | RGBX pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing. |
TJPF_BGRX | BGRX pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing. |
TJPF_XBGR | XBGR pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from highest to lowest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing. |
TJPF_XRGB | XRGB pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from highest to lowest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing. |
TJPF_GRAY | Grayscale pixel format. Each 1-byte pixel represents a luminance (brightness) level from 0 to 255. |
TJPF_RGBA | RGBA pixel format. This is the same as @ref TJPF_RGBX, except that when decompressing, the X component is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel. |
TJPF_BGRA | BGRA pixel format. This is the same as @ref TJPF_BGRX, except that when decompressing, the X component is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel. |
TJPF_ABGR | ABGR pixel format. This is the same as @ref TJPF_XBGR, except that when decompressing, the X component is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel. |
TJPF_ARGB | ARGB pixel format. This is the same as @ref TJPF_XRGB, except that when decompressing, the X component is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel. |
Pixel formats